Friday, July 27, 2012

7/28/12 Tired of Rubberbands

For some reason the past few days, when I put rubberbands on after they've been off for any amount of time, I feel like I've had my jaw wired shut. I really dislike how it feels. It's kind of like I'm grinding my teeth all of the time. Sometimes it really feels like I've got something pulling on my bottom teeth all of the time, especially on the right. If it continues, I'll send my orthodontist a text message to see if it's normal. My next appointment isn't until the 23rd of August. I'm normally a patient person, but with so much going on, getting ready to go back to work and my oldest son going into the Navy, I'm just not very patient right now! I'm sure I'll survive!

Take care and have a great weekend!!

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