Friday, June 29, 2012

6/29/12 Good News...

I went to the orthodontist for my appointment today. They did the x rays and he was extremely surprised at how well my teeth were doing. I kept asking how much sooner and he didn't answer for awhile. He said that it would be towards the end of this year, probably 3 more adjustments, maybe a fourth. I was ecstatic! That means about 9 or 10 months early! I will have to wear a retainer, which I don't have a problem with especially since it won't be a permanent one. I am so excited, have I said that yet! I can't wait to bite into a big apple or eat chicken or rib meat right off the bone and not have to cut everything into little pieces! He did say that they would adjust the price accordingly. If I still owed money, then I would pay. But at that point if I had overpaid, they would refund the money to me. I will definitely keep you posted. My next appointment isn't until August 23rd.

Take care and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6/27/12 Two More Days...

I can't believe that it's two more days until my appointment. I'm hoping that I won't be disappointed about the amount of time I'll have to wear these. I have my dentist appointment today and will definitely ask her what she thinks about it.

Besides having the braces, the thing that I hate the most is the rubberbands. They really do make me feel like I have my mouth wired shut, especially when I wake up in the morning. I know they are doing what they are suppose to be doing, bringing my upper jaw down in alignment with the lower one. I do notice sometimes that even with them on, I do still hold my upper and lower jaws apart.

Time to go eat breakfast! Take care and have a great day. I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

6/24/12 Waiting...

I can't wait until this Friday. Okay, really I can, but I can't. My husband asked me how long I would have to have my braces and I said I'll find out Friday. Really the biggest thing that concerned me with my bite was that very, very few of my teeth met. Now, they all do. I don't think they'll let me out of these things very early as it would mean less money for them. I do have a dentist appointment Wednesday and I'm going to ask her what she thinks about how my teeth look. The last time I saw her she said she saw great improvement. So, keep your fingers crossed for my visit on Friday. I'll definitely let you know what happens!

Take care and have a great week!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6/20/12 Rubberbands

I have noticed lately that when I take my rubberbands off and leave them off for awhile, I get sores in spots where the rubberbands would be. When I put them on again, the sore spots go away. I'm thinking that the rubberbands are enough to keep the brackets from rubbing against the inside of my mouth. It makes me worry that when they tell me that I can stop using the rubberbands that the inside of my mouth will have sore spots all over again and have to build up callouses so that it doesn't happen again.

Just over a week until my next appointment. At my age, I would never want to wish time away, but hope that they next week goes fast!

Take care and have a great day!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

6/17/12 Wishful Thinking!

I keep thinking it's the week of the 25th. Wishful thinking! That's the week of my next appointment where I'll find out if I'll get my braces off early. Even if I do, I can't imagine it would be more than a month or two early. I would love it if they would say that they're going to take them off in September which would be a year since I got them. I will definitely keep you posted!

Take care and have a great day!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/13/12 Need More Rubberbands

I need to make a trip to the orthodontists office today. Too bad it's not for my appointment. I need to pick up some more rubberbands. I'm sure I probably have enough to last me, but figure as long as I'm over that way I might as well stop by and get some. I change them at least four times a day, sometimes more often. It really depends on how much I eat or talk with them on. It really stretches them out. It's weird how they can feel so comfortable before I change them and so tight when I put the new ones on. I think I'm use to them now! I also need to get a better receipt for my last payment so that I can turn it into our medical savings plan for reimbursement. After that it's off to the mall with a friend to walk. It's to hot here to walk outside for any length of time.

Take care and have a great day!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

6/09/12 Spaghetti

My husband made a wonderful pasta dinner last night using spaghetti noodles. Wow if I thought Quinoa was bad about getting stuck in my braces, spaghetti has the quinoa beat by a mile. I couldn't believe how many times I wanted to just reach in my mouth and get the stuff out from being stuck behind the wires. I guess I was trying to be polite, even if I was in my own home, so refrained from sticking my fingers in my mouth every 10 seconds!Though, sometimes I think it would be funny to leave the food in there and smile really big. I'm sure my husband wouldn't think it was funny, but my 13 year old son would!

Time to get ready to go to my knitting group. Take care and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

06/05/12 Wondering Why...

I guess I've been wondering about other adults who have braces. I just haven't been able to find any to talk to. Does anyone who reads my blog know of adults with braces? I would really like to chat with them about their experiences and if things that I have had happen are the same as what's happened to them.

Time to go eat lunch and then get my rubberbands put back on. Take care and have a great day!

Monday, June 4, 2012

06/04/12 Waiting...

I am normally a patient person. However, when it comes to my braces, I dislike the time that I have to wait in between appointments, especially this next one on the 29th. I will find out then how much earlier I will get my braces off. I know when I so I'll still have to wear a retainer, but can handle that because it will be removable. The rubberbands are doing okay. In fact I need to put them back on. Sometimes they are so tight that it gives me a headache, so I give myself a short break from them.

I saw my dentist briefly the other day and she couldn't believe how good my teeth are looking and how fast things are going.

I'm sure in the end, it will be worth having the braces. It's just that there are so many things I dislike about having them on. I can't wait until I can bite into a whole apple and hear the crunch of it as I do so.

Take care and have a great day!