Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8/29/12 Root Canal

Remember the sensitivity to heat and cold I talked about in my last post? I went to the Endodontist yesterday. It turns out that the nerve for the tooth that was bothering me was completely dead. I was curious how it would go with having braces on, but went just fine with no damage to my braces. Today I can drink hot and cold drinks again. I still have to go to my dentist for a permanent filling.I know that will be fine as well. I did ask the Endodontist why this happened and could it be related to my braces. He said with all the moving of the teeth, roots and bone, that it could be a part of why it happened. I hadn't thought about braces being such trauma to my teeth.

Oh well, it's better now and that's all that matters. I sure am glad that we have good dental insurance.

Take care and have a great day!

Friday, August 24, 2012

8/24/12 Yesterday's appointment, today's pain

My appointment yesterday went well. I will have one more normal adjustment, a final adjustment and then have them taken off. I could have them off now, but he wants the teeth on the right side to come together a little bit more. The pain that I was having with that left band is gone for now. He adjusted the band and so far, it is better.

Now for the pain from today. Actually for a couple of days I've been having extreme sensitivity to heat and cold with a tooth in the front. I thought it was from when they shaved some off of it early in my treatment. I went to my dentist today and she could see no outward reasons for the sensitivity. So, I'm going to see an Endodontist on Tuesday to see if I need a root canal. I don't care if I have to have one done. I just want the pain to go away!

Take care and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

08/22/12 OW OW OW

Hello to all,

I can't wait for my appointment tomorrow. I have been having trouble with that upper left band and had to take a pain pill last night because it hurt so bad. It's not just the tooth that is hurting, but the inside of my mouth. I am ready to tell him tomorrow to take them off now. I have pain in other parts of my body, chronic pain and I can't deal with having any more. The braces is the only one I have control over. I'm so frustrated right now that I almost called them on my way home to have it done today. I'm sure they're going to try to talk me out of it. Unless they can guarantee me no pain, I won't keep them on.

Sorry to be so down! Take care and have a great day!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

8?18/12 Upcoming Appointment

Hello to all,

I hope everyone is doing well. I'm excited for my next appointment on the 23rd of this month. They talked about changing the wires and maybe sanding my teeth a little to make more room. I had this done not to long after I got the braces on two lower teeth towards the front. I wasn't happy with it as the area is a little more sensitive than it was before. He said he didn't have to do it, so hope that decision remains the same. I'm hoping that things are going well and that I won't have to wait til January to get them off. Last time, he said 3 or 4 more visits. This will be the first of those. I will definitely keep you posted.

Things have been going well without the rubberbands. I do put them on once in awhile when the headaches aren't bad. I just didn't want to go totally without them and have it prolong the amount of time that I have to have the braces on.

Time to go ice my hand. I have tendonitis in the knuckle on my right hand below my pointer finger. To much signing at work!

Take care and have a great day!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

08/12/12 Bands

Hello to all,

Hope you're having a wonderful day! I ended up making a trip to the orthodontist this past Friday after work. I thought the band around my upper left molar was slipping. I could feel it more and the tooth was really sore. The assistant checked it out and said it was as tight as it could be. She said that it could have been because I have been going without rubberbands. You would have thought it would have happened sooner, but still don't know if that's what it was or not. It seems to have calmed down some. My jaws are really sore lately, too and that could be part of what caused it. I'm excited for my next visit on the 23rd. Still hoping that they won't change the time that I'll get them off!

Take care and have a wonderful day! I'm off to do my chores.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

08/04/12 Rubberbands Again

Hello to all,

I've gone some time without the rubberbands and so far so good. My headache is better, but my jaws are still sore some. I'm trying to keep my teeth together without clenching my jaws tight. I did wear the rubberbands last night to see how it would be this morning and I don't think it made it worse. I'm wondering how when I get my braces off, that my teeth will stay together and I won't have the open bite problem again. I guess that's another question for the orthodontist when I go in on the 23rd!

Take care and have a great day!

Friday, August 3, 2012

08/03/12 Finally

Hello to all,

I hope you're all doing well! I finally talked to the orthodontists office yesterday. The headache and jaw pain had become so bad that I thought I had an ear infection and went to my family doctor. He told me it was not an infection, but most likely jaw pain related to my braces. Anyway, I called the orthodontist office and he said I could go without the rubberbands until my next appointment to see if it helps take care of the jaw pain and also to see how I do without them. I'm excited about not having to wear them, but am also worried about it doing something to the alignment of my teeth. If the headache gets better, I may put the rubberbands on for short periods of time. I don't want to do anything that extends the time I have to have my braces on! I'll keep you posted.

Take care and have a great weekend!