Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2/28/12 Stuck Food

I think the worse problem other than the inside soreness of my mouth and the teeth soreness is the food getting stuck in my braces. It gets really hard to eat sometimes and not stick my fingers in my mouth to get the food out of my braces. My family has gotten use to it, but not sure about my co-workers. Actually, they're a great bunch of people who realize that we all have our own issues! I just don't want to be walking around work and have food stuck in my braces that I didn't know was there!

Take care and have a great day!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

2/26/12 Weird

I am doing pretty good, had some weird soreness last week.  It hurt a little bit, but wasn't horrible and went away in a couple of days. This was in front of my lower teeth inside my mouth. I have a roughness on the inside of my lower right cheek that was different than the sandpaper feeling that I had before. Not sure why it's that way... don't really care as long as it doesn't hurt.

I am 53 years old and would never at this point in my life wish time to go by faster. It does that enough on it's own. However, I'm really tired of having braces and wish it was time to have them taken off. I was really depressed the other day walking through the grocery store looking at all the stuff I can't eat because of my braces and acid reflux. I still think there's a connection!

Take care and have a great day. I finished my housework, need to finish my laundry than it's off to the weaving loom to get it ready to weave!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2/21/12 Again Not to Bad!

Sorry I haven't written anything lately, not much to say. I am still getting a little bit of being chewed up on the inside of my mouth along with pushing up on the upper bands with my tongue. Other than that and being exhausted from lack of sleep, things are doing pretty good. I have my next appointment on the 22nd of next month and hope that things go well with it. I'm really hoping to avoid the TAD screws that he wants to put in later on in my treatment. They actually screw into the bone and then they attach springs from the TAD screws to my braces. I hated having that spring on the lower front. Talk about chewing stuff up. I was miserable for at least a week with that before the inside of my mouth got use to it. Oh well, all in a days treatment.

Take care and have a great day. If anyone has any questions about my experiences with braces, don't hesitate to contact me!

Friday, February 17, 2012

2/17/12 Talking

The student that I interpret for was not at school today. I ended up in my office doing work there and talked for most of the day with the woman I share an office with. It was great and I loved the conversation. However, the inside of my mouth is now all chewed up and so sore. I don't think I can put wax over everything. I know if I tell me husband this, that he'll just laugh at me! He's always telling me I talk to much. Sore mouth or not, I'm not going to stop!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2/16/12 Better Again

Well, that one spot that was bothering me on the right is gone. I figured it would be. Now there's a spot in the inside of my left cheek that is starting to get sore. Sometimes I think it's from when I eat certain things or if I hold my mouth a certain way. It's been 5 months today that I got my braces and things are getting easier. I'm not depressed really anymore about having them. Like I said last time, I am finding ways around the things I can't eat. The biggest issue right now is the acid reflux and while I'd like to blame it on my braces, I guess I can't totally blame it on them. I'll talk to the GI doctor when I go later this month.

I better go and see how my husband is doing. He's replacing a headlight in my car! Take care and have a wonderful day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

2/13/12 Spoke To Soon!

Okay, I know I said that everything was amazing and nothing was getting chewed up on the inside of my mouth. However, there is a sore spot now on the right inside part of my cheek. I finally had to put wax on the upper band because it's digging into the inside and has made a sore spot. Hopefully it won't last to much longer. If it does, I will call and see if there's something they can do about it.

I know there are so many things I'm not suppose to eat, but have found ways around it. My husband makes the best beef jerky. I tear off little pieces and let them soften in my mouth enough for me to be able to chew them and not hurt my braces. Also, there is no band on the very last molar, so I chew a lot of the hard stuff there. Hopefully I won't hurt the tooth. Somethings are worth the risk!

Take care and have a great day! I am!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

1/12/12 Still Going Well

So far, this has been the best time since I've had an adjustment done. My teeth stayed sore for a couple of days longer than in the past. That doesn't bother me. It's the inside of my mouth that I'm really amazed at, that it hasn't gotten chewed up like it has in the past. This makes me really happy. The biggest problem that I have now is practicing swallowing the way he wants me to. I have to put my tongue up against the roof of my mouth behind my upper teeth so that I don't push my teeth forward. It was hard to do at first and now it's easier. I still have to remind myself to do it. I suppose the more I do it, the more natural it will become! It's just weird for now.

Time to go do some more housework, then I need to start a new knitting or maybe a weaving project! Take care and have a great week!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/9/12 Amazing!

I guess I figured that any time I had my braces adjusted that not only would my teeth hurt but that the inside of my mouth would get chewed up, too. I never thought about once the initial movements were made with my teeth that maybe the new movements would be so minute that the area would already be calloused. I know that the inside of my mouth and cheeks can still get caught on things or get chewed up but so far with this latest adjustment nothing has happened. Amazing! My teeth are still a bit sore, but it doesn't stop me from eating what I want to eat. I have some gingersnap cookies that are really hard. I just suck on them until they're a little soft in my mouth and then chew them!

Take care and have a great day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2/7/12 Ow Ow Ow

Okay, it's really not that bad. My mouth is definitely sore today, mostly my teeth. I haven't had any problems chewing food, though had a soft breakfast and a somewhat soft lunch. Fish for dinner so it should be okay. It's more of an achy feeling in my teeth rather than it being a bad hurting feeling. I have one spot so far on the upper part of the right inside cheek that is sore from the bracket rubbing. It's not as bad as I thought it would be today. They did bend in the part that rubber bands would go on if I needed them so that it won't rub anymore. We'll see how it goes. It might be an Advil night.

Time to go check the garden for some greens for tonight's dinner. Take care and have a great day!

Monday, February 6, 2012

2/6/12 Orthodontist Appointment

Today was my appointment. I finally graduated to a bigger wire on the bottom. He made some adjustments and fixed some of the things that were causing the soreness on the inside of my cheeks and tongue. He told me that my teeth were doing a lot better for it only being 5 months since I got the braces on. I'm hoping that things continue going well. Maybe I'll get to have them taken off early! My next appointment is not until the 22nd of March. Things don't hurt right now. However, I'm sure that by tomorrow the inside of my mouth will begin to be chewed up and my teeth will get sore. I'll keep you posted!

Take care and have a great day!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

2/4/12 Appointment is Monday

My next appointment is on Monday at 3:40. I'm hoping I can leave work a little early to be sure to be there on time. The orthodontists office is one of the few Doctors that I go to where you get seen on time most of the time. I'm hoping that day they'll be running behind. If I think I'm going to be late, I will call and let them know. I'm worried about what they'll do and how it will effect the inside of my mouth. Like I've said before, the teeth pain is nothing compared to how chewed up the inside of my mouth gets. I'm going to have them check the bands around the molars to see if the pieces have gotten bent some. My tongue seems to catch on them a lot more then they use to. I'm almost 5 months into having these braces, which means at least 22 more months! Sure hope I can last that long. I know it's to help save my teeth, but at 53, who knows how much longer my teeth will last, even without braces!!

Time to go do some chores, check the vegetable gardens, feed the chickens, etc... Take care and have a great day!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2/2/12 Getting Use to the Sandpaper Feel

I think I'm finally getting use to the inside of my mouth feeling like sandpaper. It's still weird and I don't like it. My tongue seems to gravitate to the areas that feel that way the most. It's just not natural. The top molar on the right side has been sore. I'm not sure if it's from other teeth moving and pushing it back or not. I've notice that there is definitely more space between my teeth then there has ever been in the past. It's a lot easier to get dental floss in between my teeth now. That excites me!

I better go and get dinner started. Take care and have a great day!