Friday, September 30, 2011

9/30/11 T.A.D. Screws

I just got to thinking that somewhere down the road I'm going to have to get these things. They actually put these screws right in the bone and then attach a spring to them and then to the braces. It's not suppose to hurt... Hmmm, I've heard that story before! I know it's only been 2 weeks, but my top teeth have moved already. I'm eating better. I've discovered a new way to eat things I'm not suppose to. I suck on them. Makes it the consistency of baby food. There's still things I won't be able to do that with like popcorn. Not sure why I can't have popcorn unless they fear a kernel being in there.

I still am wondering why I did this. Still wondering what color I want to have them put in when I go back in October. I may not have them add color at all. I think it makes them show up more when I smile, which I don't like to do now. Sure looks silly when I smile with these things on. I'll have to take some pictures and post it. Anyone have suggestions on what color to get next if I do get it?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9/28/11 When Will it Stop?

It will be 2 weeks tomorrow and I'm still getting sores in my mouth. The orthodontist said it would take 1 to 2 weeks for me to build up callouses. So why am I still getting them. The office called today to see how I was doing and I asked them. They couldn't tell me for sure, said it's different for everyone. I guess when you're small and you have braces it takes less time because your mouth is smaller. My husband is always telling me I have a big mouth. Bigger mouths take longer. I sure would love to get beyond this stage. Why is it that pain in your mouth seems worse then pain in other places. I guess because when it's in other places there's better meds for it. Oh well. As my mom would say, "This, too, shall pass." 

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9/27/11 OW!

The spot that was sore yesterday is better. However, the other side of my mouth hurts now and has sores on it. I was told it could take up to two weeks to build up callouses. Thursday is two weeks. Sure wish it was the two years! I'm still having trouble eating certain foods. It makes my teeth hurts. I couldn't eat the fresh beans that I picked from the garden. They were to hard. Guess I have to start cooking everything until it's really soft. YUCK! Something else I didn't think about.

Monday, September 26, 2011

9/26/11 Just When I Thought...

Just when I thought things were getting a little bit better, the inside of my mouth hurts like heck again today in several spots. I don't know if it's from my teeth moving or if it's what we had for dinner last night. I normally don't back down from things, don't give up easily, went through 8 hours of back surgery and have 6 screws and 2 rods in my lower back. However, I really wish the 2 years was over and done with. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I texted the orthodontist to see if there's anything I can do about it. I haven't heard from him yet. Sure hope it goes away soon!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

9/25/11 Better, A Little Bit

I forgot to tell you yesterday that the inside of my mouth was feeling a little better. I guess I must have built up callouses on the inside of my mouth. I still have a spot under the right side of my tongue that is a little sore, but not as much as it had been. They said for children it's 3-4 days for the soreness to go away and for adults it can be 1-2 weeks. It will be 2 weeks for me this coming Thursday. That means only 102 weeks to go. That is more or less. They said treatment would be around 27 months. Ugh!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

9/24/11 Stomach

Well, I thought my stomach problems might have been related to my braces. Now I'm not sure. I've been chewing my food better and it's still not going away. Maybe it will take some time?? It seem worse today then it did yesterday. Maybe it's related to the stress that I'm feeling from having made this decision in the first place. At this point in my treatment, where I just don't see an outcome yet or any benefits, I still am regretting doing this to begin with. I knew it would be changes in my lifestyle, just not this many. If I could only go back a few weeks with what I know now, I would make a different decision. I'm sure that in the long run I will be happy with this, but right now... I think that anyone that gets braces for cosmetic reasons only is weird!

Friday, September 23, 2011

9/23/11 Figured Something Out, I Think!

I think I've finally figured out the whole issue with my stomach. Because of the braces, I've not been chewing my food thoroughly and swallowing some of it whole. I think the acid in my stomach is working overtime to digest my food. We'll see... I've been trying to chew more but still have visions of being yelled at by my orthodontist when I had braces back when I was 10. Wow would she get mad at me if I broke any of the braces. Why as an adult do I still have that fear. In fact I got a letter from the office about how important braces were and that I should take really good care of them. Don't they realize that as an adult, I am not taking lightly something that I put some much time, effort and especially money into?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/21/11 Mango Leather

A couple of months ago I made mango leather. I pureed it in the blender and poured it on sheets in my dehydrator. It is so good. I had to give it to my son. I can't eat dried fruit at all. It's either to hard or to sticky. I have been tearing my crystallized ginger into small pieces and chewing it with my back teeth. I don't think I'm doing any damage to the appliance, nothing hurts. I can't give up my ginger, especially with my stomach being upset right now.

I keep thinking of all these things that I can't eat. I hadn't thought about how this would effect my family. I can't eat what they can, no pizza, no bagels. I can cut them into tiny pieces, but it's not the same. How can you not eat pizza with cheese dripping down your chin?

I'm just not seeing an upside to this at all!

Me Again

I've been reading web sites that talk about adult braces. So far, I have not seen anything about the psychological aspect of adults getting braces. They do mention an adjustment period, but it's still not enough. I wonder if other adults who have gotten braces have had the same "depression" that I have had. I know it'll go away eventually. Right now, it just exhausts me. I know it's only been 6 days... Why do we handle these things so much better as children than we do as adults?

9/21/11 Yuck

Today I'm not feeling well. Stomach is still all acidy. I'll call the doctor today and see if I can get in. I'm wondering if it's related to the braces. I can't eat all of the food I could before. I'm lucky if I can eat much at all. I wanted to lost 5 pounds, but don't want to lose anymore than that. I need to keep my weight up. It's hard with this reflux issue! Don't do it, braces are not a good weight loss plan!

I'm in a depressed mood. This is a big change in my life. While I thought I had thought it through thoroughly, I guess I hadn't. There are so many changes that I hadn't thought about. I'm sure I'll get use to them soon. I really wish someone would have discussed the psychological issues with me of getting braces as an adult!

Monday, September 19, 2011

9/19/11 Still wondering

Today wasn't to bad. The kids at work were all surprised about my getting braces. I don't know if they thought I was cool or if they thought I was weird. My mouth is still really sore and I'm having stomach acid problems. I think it's because I thought I could swallow my chewable vitamins. After all I can't chew them now. Don't want to break anything. I'm really hoping it's that because if it isn't I'll have to make a trip to my doctors office. YUCK! I'm tired of doctors!

Yesterday I spent about an hour slicing into raw olives from our tree. I had always wanted to try doing them. Trouble is, I won't be able to eat them. Think I'll suck on them after they're all finished. I'm finding it frustrating to know all of these things that I can't eat. My friend said she'd take all the wonderful beef jerky my husband makes. I can't wait for the two years to be finished!

Adult Braces What Was I Thinking 9/19/11

On September 15th, I got my braces put on. I had just turned 53. A week before that I had the spacers put in and I was miserable. My dentist at my last cleaning kept looking at me and saying, "You would really benefit from braces". Why oh why did I let myself get talked into this. Her and the orthodontist said my bite was way off. The only tooth that touched was a molar on the left side. My back teeth were doing all the work and I was wearing them down fast. I already had 4 crowns and 2 root canals. They also said it could help with headaches and jaw pain. Mind you, it wouldn't be a cure but could help. I would be saving my teeth if I did this. Okay, I went for it. The actual appointment lasted about 2 hours including paperwork. I could tell after they put the bands on that it was going to be uncomfortable in my mouth. That was an understatement! That night wasn't bad, but the next day was my anniversary and I could barely eat. Things rubbed in places that they had never rubbed before and it hurt! I couldn't wait to get home and get some wax put on it. The orthodontist said that could last up to 2 weeks. Yikes!

Yesterday we went to Costco and I kept seeing all this food that I wasn't going to be able to eat for at least 2 years. I decided that there definitely is a psychiatric aspect to adults having braces. Kids don't know what they're missing because they've never had it before. Here was a whole store full of food that I couldn't have. Couldn't eat the samples either.

Now, let me explain I had braces in when I was ten for 2 years. It was a lot different then, more bands, etc. They have made advances, but not enough.

Well, time to get the wax on and leave for work. I'm sure the students will get a kick out of me being in braces. Sure hope I can last the day!