Saturday, October 27, 2012

10/27/12 Retainers

So far, so good with the retainer. I had a few times where it would make my upper gums so sore that I would have to leave it out for a few hours. It hasn't happened for awhile, so hoping it was just that I had to get use to wearing them. I can't seem to get the upper front wire to stay where the orthodontist told me to keep it. My teeth haven't moved, so won't panic unless I find I'm getting really sore or they don't go in right. My next appointment isn't until the 14th of November. I'm hoping after that, they will tell me that I can just wear them at night. It's a pain at work when I have to take my retainer out in front of students so I can have my morning snack. No one has said anything, so it's just me feeling uncomfortable about it. I'll let you know what they say at my next appointment. Take care and have a great day!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

10/20/12 Final Bill, Acid Reflux & Weight Loss

Hello to all, I hope everyone is having a great day!! I got a final bill in the mail yesterday. They took of another $200, making the final bill $300. I still don't think I should have to pay that much seeing as between the insurance and our payments I've paid for well more than half of what the 27 month price was for 13th months. I'll pay it, but not all at once. It's a little out of our budget right now. The retainer is going better, so far. Though my acid reflux has gotten worse again and I've dropped a couple of pounds. I keep wondering if it has something to do with my stomach thinking of the retainer as being food. Then it produces more acid to compensate. I'm not sure... I only have to wear them 24 hours a day for 5 more weeks. I hope I can make it through to then without getting an ulcer. The other thing is I don't eat as much during the day, especially at work because I have to take the retainer out to eat and I don't always have a place to do it without the kids in class seeing me. I'm sure I'll get it figured out! Take care and have a great day!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/16/12 Sore...

Well, today the left upper gum to the side is really sore. I'm not sure if the wire on the retainer is rubbing against it or if it's for another reason. I called the orthodontist office and they can't see me until Friday. I told her if it got much worse, that I was going to take it off. She said that my teeth shouldn't move that much in a short time. If they do, they can adjust the retainer to correct it. Right now I'm frustrated with having any pain associated with the retainer. I thought that would all be gone once I got the braces removed. I don't think I've done anything wrong. I've been very careful with it but wonder if maybe I slept hard on that side last night and it pushed the wire out of place. The other thing is that the wire on the sides is really more over the gum and not the teeth. I don't know how it can keep my teeth in place when it's not touching them. Oh well... I'll let you know what happens! Take care and have a great day! Ellen

Sunday, October 14, 2012

10/14/12 So far, So Good

I left my retainer out for a bit today. I was making Waldorf Salad and you can't eat with the retainer in. Other than that, things are going well with them. My teeth aren't sore today, which is good. My next appointment is in November. They'll check them then and hopefully I'll get to wear them only at night! I will definitely keep you posted. Take care and have a great week!

Friday, October 12, 2012

10/12/12 Retainer

I made it to the orthodontist at 7:15 this morning. Woke up at 5am!! It went well and I'm so glad that it was my favorite orthodontist that helped me with them. They gave me a sheet of care instructions which I've found out have not changed much in 42 years! He showed me how to put them in and take them out. I have an appointment in 6 weeks to have them checked. No one said anything to me about my balance that I owe. I have a feeling it's because I went to an office that I don't normally go to. I'm sure the next time I show up at my regular office, they'll say something to me. I'm surprised that the other orthodontist has not called me yet. I will still argue the point with them. I don't see why I should have to pay so much when my treatment was shortened at least a year or more. I'll keep you posted on what happens. Take care and have a great weekend!

Monday, October 8, 2012

10/08/12 Off and Mad

Well, they're off! I can't believe it. I'd be more happy if I didn't have such a bad headache! Before they called me back to take them off, the lady that called me the one day called me back to talk about my bill. She showed me some paperwork and said I still owed $520. When I questioned this and told her it was, pardon me, a bunch of crap she got mad. She denied that she ever told me about the $60 or the $300 something and that it was in black and white. I think they're trying to get more money out of me than I owe and that they're upset because I opted to have them taken off early by at least a year. I'm thinking if it was $6000 to begin with that I should only have to pay half of that which has been more than covered by the insurance and what I've paid. They're suppose to have the one orthodontist call me about the bill. I'm sure I'll have to pay when I go on Friday to get my retainer. If they insist on me paying the $520 I'm going to tell them I can't afford it and will make payments on it. Hopefully we can work something out. I'll let you know. The thing that surprised me is that you can pick colors for your retainer. So, I picked sparkly blue. No one will see it, just the idea that I got to choose! Take care and have a great day!

10/08/12 Today is the Day!!!

I am so excited about today. I have no idea how long it will take or if there will be any restrictions on what I can eat until I get my retainer. Really doesn't matter as my husband will be making me smoked ribs today for dinner. I'm still a little leery of what my final payment will be and will argue the point with them. When they originally told me that they were taking off the TAD screws they said the amount was $600. Then she told me a couple of weeks that they were only taking off $460. That's not right to do that. I have to check and see if I have proof of the $600. Though, in the original quote, they said the TADs would be $600 and they have proof of that. They never told me that the amount would change! I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Take care and have a great day!

Friday, October 5, 2012

10/05/12 Anxious

I can't believe the time to get them off is almost here. They called this morning to confirm my appointment. However, I still haven't heard what my pay off amount is going to be. The girl never called me back to let me know. It upsets me to be treated this way. If you get braces I would definitely check more into the financial arrangements. I really think I'm paying more than I need to. Anyway, they really should have settled this with me over the phone. If they do it in the office and it's not to my satisfaction, I will not be happy. This is not good especially if it's in front of other patients. Regardless, I just want to be done with it! Take care and have a great weekend!