Friday, May 11, 2012

05/11/12 My Appointment Today

Things went well at my appointment today. They are not going to need to use the TAD screws which takes $600 off the total price of my braces. They also said I would probably get them off early but won't know how much until my next appointment. They have to do a panoramic xray of my mouth to see the position of my roots. Then they will know for sure. I was so excited about not needing the TAD screws, that the bonus of having them off early was wonderful to hear as well. They did change the position I have to use the rubberbands. While I'm not excited about the continued use of rubberbands, it was still a happy appointment and I'll use the rubberbands as much as I need to.

It's been a long week and I'm glad for the weekend. We had a wonderful speaker at work, a woman that survived the Holocaust. Interpreting in sign language for the student I work with was a challenge, but one that was well worth it.

Take care and have a great weekend!


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