Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/13/12 Need More Rubberbands

I need to make a trip to the orthodontists office today. Too bad it's not for my appointment. I need to pick up some more rubberbands. I'm sure I probably have enough to last me, but figure as long as I'm over that way I might as well stop by and get some. I change them at least four times a day, sometimes more often. It really depends on how much I eat or talk with them on. It really stretches them out. It's weird how they can feel so comfortable before I change them and so tight when I put the new ones on. I think I'm use to them now! I also need to get a better receipt for my last payment so that I can turn it into our medical savings plan for reimbursement. After that it's off to the mall with a friend to walk. It's to hot here to walk outside for any length of time.

Take care and have a great day!

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