Saturday, June 9, 2012

6/09/12 Spaghetti

My husband made a wonderful pasta dinner last night using spaghetti noodles. Wow if I thought Quinoa was bad about getting stuck in my braces, spaghetti has the quinoa beat by a mile. I couldn't believe how many times I wanted to just reach in my mouth and get the stuff out from being stuck behind the wires. I guess I was trying to be polite, even if I was in my own home, so refrained from sticking my fingers in my mouth every 10 seconds!Though, sometimes I think it would be funny to leave the food in there and smile really big. I'm sure my husband wouldn't think it was funny, but my 13 year old son would!

Time to get ready to go to my knitting group. Take care and have a great weekend!

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