Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8/29/12 Root Canal

Remember the sensitivity to heat and cold I talked about in my last post? I went to the Endodontist yesterday. It turns out that the nerve for the tooth that was bothering me was completely dead. I was curious how it would go with having braces on, but went just fine with no damage to my braces. Today I can drink hot and cold drinks again. I still have to go to my dentist for a permanent filling.I know that will be fine as well. I did ask the Endodontist why this happened and could it be related to my braces. He said with all the moving of the teeth, roots and bone, that it could be a part of why it happened. I hadn't thought about braces being such trauma to my teeth.

Oh well, it's better now and that's all that matters. I sure am glad that we have good dental insurance.

Take care and have a great day!

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