Saturday, October 1, 2011

10/1/11 Better?

Today seems to be a better day. I've gained almost 2 pounds, but don't want to gain to much. I kind of said I'll be damned if I'm going to let these things ruin my eating habits! My husband made an excellent dinner last night. He even shredded the carrots into the salad rather than slicing them. He knows I can't eat them if they're just sliced. Guess he's getting use to them, too! The inside of my mouth is a lot better. I suppose as my teeth move that new spots will get sore. Again, I'll be damned if I'm going to let it bother me. I did buy extra wax at Walgreen's and will get more if I need. I'm not looking forward to the T.A.D. screws, but will deal with it when it happens.

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