Sunday, February 12, 2012

1/12/12 Still Going Well

So far, this has been the best time since I've had an adjustment done. My teeth stayed sore for a couple of days longer than in the past. That doesn't bother me. It's the inside of my mouth that I'm really amazed at, that it hasn't gotten chewed up like it has in the past. This makes me really happy. The biggest problem that I have now is practicing swallowing the way he wants me to. I have to put my tongue up against the roof of my mouth behind my upper teeth so that I don't push my teeth forward. It was hard to do at first and now it's easier. I still have to remind myself to do it. I suppose the more I do it, the more natural it will become! It's just weird for now.

Time to go do some more housework, then I need to start a new knitting or maybe a weaving project! Take care and have a great week!

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