Wednesday, September 26, 2012

09/26/12 Time

I've always said at my age that I wouldn't wish time to pass by faster. Now that I decided to get my braces off, I can't wait for the day. I've found the past two weeks or so that things are rubbing in my mouth more and I'm having to use wax again after not having to use it for a long time. I honestly think if I knew now what I knew then, that I would take my chances and not get braces again. There are just to many issues having them as an adult causes. I did it to save my teeth, but have had one root canal done and would probably end up having more done because of the trauma to the roots and bone in my mouth. These were not problems that they told me about. The other thing I wish is that I would have gotten a second opinion from another orthodontist. If any one out there is considering braces as an adult, think long and hard about it. Ask a lot of questions and definitely seek a second opinion! Take care and have a great day! Ellen

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