Saturday, October 27, 2012

10/27/12 Retainers

So far, so good with the retainer. I had a few times where it would make my upper gums so sore that I would have to leave it out for a few hours. It hasn't happened for awhile, so hoping it was just that I had to get use to wearing them. I can't seem to get the upper front wire to stay where the orthodontist told me to keep it. My teeth haven't moved, so won't panic unless I find I'm getting really sore or they don't go in right. My next appointment isn't until the 14th of November. I'm hoping after that, they will tell me that I can just wear them at night. It's a pain at work when I have to take my retainer out in front of students so I can have my morning snack. No one has said anything, so it's just me feeling uncomfortable about it. I'll let you know what they say at my next appointment. Take care and have a great day!

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