Monday, October 8, 2012

10/08/12 Off and Mad

Well, they're off! I can't believe it. I'd be more happy if I didn't have such a bad headache! Before they called me back to take them off, the lady that called me the one day called me back to talk about my bill. She showed me some paperwork and said I still owed $520. When I questioned this and told her it was, pardon me, a bunch of crap she got mad. She denied that she ever told me about the $60 or the $300 something and that it was in black and white. I think they're trying to get more money out of me than I owe and that they're upset because I opted to have them taken off early by at least a year. I'm thinking if it was $6000 to begin with that I should only have to pay half of that which has been more than covered by the insurance and what I've paid. They're suppose to have the one orthodontist call me about the bill. I'm sure I'll have to pay when I go on Friday to get my retainer. If they insist on me paying the $520 I'm going to tell them I can't afford it and will make payments on it. Hopefully we can work something out. I'll let you know. The thing that surprised me is that you can pick colors for your retainer. So, I picked sparkly blue. No one will see it, just the idea that I got to choose! Take care and have a great day!

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