Friday, April 13, 2012

4/13/12 Spaghetti and Salad

I found something else besides quinoa that gets stuck in my braces. The first thing is spaghetti noodles. My husband made a wonderful dinner last night that used veggies from our garden sauteed in olive oil mixed with spaghetti noodles and parmesan cheese. It was delicious. I swear I spent half of dinner picking the darn noodles out of my braces. I should have looked in the mirror to see how ridiculous I looked with all the noodles poking out of my wires! The other thing is salad greens. It actually does look funny to see them in there. Brushing my teeth helps, but I have to floss and also use a really small wire brush to go behind the wires and in between the brackets. Having braces really requires a lot of work to help keep my teeth healthy! I should buy stock in those little wire brushes and dental floss!

Take care and have a great weekend!

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