Sunday, April 29, 2012

4/29/12 Anxious

My next appointment is on the 11th of May. I'm really anxious to see what he has to say. I've been using the rubberbands all the time like they say. Though at the minute, I have them off. I ate breakfast and am drinking my tea. I'm hoping that they are doing what he wanted them to and that I won't have to get the TAD screws put in. The thought of them screwing the screws into the bone in my mouth and then attaching springs to my braces does not thrill me at all. I may even tell him that I'll take my chances without the springs. If I don't have them put in, it takes $600 off the cost of my braces. It's not really the cost, just the thought of them putting them in!

Time to go finish some more laundry. Take care and have a great day!

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