Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4/2/12 Debacterol & Canker Sores

The spots on the front of my mouth were canker sores. I ended up going to the orthodontists office after work yesterday to have them put some debacterol on them. It stings really bad and tastes like a campfire, but wow does it work. The skin there turned white and is starting to peel off and you can still see the canker sores. However, the pain is minimal today and I haven't had to put wax on that area yet today. While I was there she bent the hook on the band that I attach rubberbands to and it really helped with that area on the inside of my cheek that was getting so chewed up by it.

I think I'm really not going to do posts that I'm doing okay. Seems like every time I do that, things go bad.

Take care and have a great day!

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