Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9/28/11 When Will it Stop?

It will be 2 weeks tomorrow and I'm still getting sores in my mouth. The orthodontist said it would take 1 to 2 weeks for me to build up callouses. So why am I still getting them. The office called today to see how I was doing and I asked them. They couldn't tell me for sure, said it's different for everyone. I guess when you're small and you have braces it takes less time because your mouth is smaller. My husband is always telling me I have a big mouth. Bigger mouths take longer. I sure would love to get beyond this stage. Why is it that pain in your mouth seems worse then pain in other places. I guess because when it's in other places there's better meds for it. Oh well. As my mom would say, "This, too, shall pass." 

Thanks for listening!

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