Monday, September 19, 2011

Adult Braces What Was I Thinking 9/19/11

On September 15th, I got my braces put on. I had just turned 53. A week before that I had the spacers put in and I was miserable. My dentist at my last cleaning kept looking at me and saying, "You would really benefit from braces". Why oh why did I let myself get talked into this. Her and the orthodontist said my bite was way off. The only tooth that touched was a molar on the left side. My back teeth were doing all the work and I was wearing them down fast. I already had 4 crowns and 2 root canals. They also said it could help with headaches and jaw pain. Mind you, it wouldn't be a cure but could help. I would be saving my teeth if I did this. Okay, I went for it. The actual appointment lasted about 2 hours including paperwork. I could tell after they put the bands on that it was going to be uncomfortable in my mouth. That was an understatement! That night wasn't bad, but the next day was my anniversary and I could barely eat. Things rubbed in places that they had never rubbed before and it hurt! I couldn't wait to get home and get some wax put on it. The orthodontist said that could last up to 2 weeks. Yikes!

Yesterday we went to Costco and I kept seeing all this food that I wasn't going to be able to eat for at least 2 years. I decided that there definitely is a psychiatric aspect to adults having braces. Kids don't know what they're missing because they've never had it before. Here was a whole store full of food that I couldn't have. Couldn't eat the samples either.

Now, let me explain I had braces in when I was ten for 2 years. It was a lot different then, more bands, etc. They have made advances, but not enough.

Well, time to get the wax on and leave for work. I'm sure the students will get a kick out of me being in braces. Sure hope I can last the day!

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