Monday, January 16, 2012

1/16/12 Not To Bad & Permanent Retainer

Sorry I haven't written lately, not much to write. Things still get sore and the inside of my mouth still feels like sandpaper. At least there hasn't been anymore canker sores. I'm surprised! I usually get them when my acid reflux is bad and so far I haven't. My next appointment is on Feb. 6th. I have to definitely remember to ask about what kind of retainer I will have after my braces come off. I think if they tell me a permanent one, I'm going to have them take the braces off right then and there. Okay, maybe I won't do that. I will tell them that there is no way that I will accept a permanent retainer. It will mean that I still can't bite into certain foods like carrots and apples. I'm 53 years old and don't want to never be able to bite into those and other foods again. It doesn't mean I can't eat them. Carrots, right now, have to be shredded for me to eat them. We grow our own and I really miss biting into them. Cutting up apples isn't so bad!

Have a great day!

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