Friday, March 16, 2012

3/16/12 Picking at My Braces

I was out yesterday and had a nice croissant with spinach and feta cheese. Later that day I hadn't realize how much of it had gotten stuck in my teeth. Out of habit I started reaching in my mouth to get some of it out of my braces and wow did I get strange looks from a few people. Oh well, guess I should carry a tooth brush in my purse and find a bathroom to use it in. Trouble with that is I do that at work after lunch and still get a few strange looks from coworkers when they come in to use the bathroom.

The nurse at my doctor's office told me yesterday that she was going to get braces. She's a lot younger than I am, so I'm hoping she will get use to them more quickly than I did. I told her to be sure to call me if she has any questions that only a person who has braces can answer.

Take care and have a great day!

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