Saturday, March 24, 2012

3/24/12 Happy Birthday and rubberbands

First, happy birthday to my 86 year old mom!! I love you!

Now, for the whole rubberband experience. This is the second day and so far, so good. The upper left inside of my mouth towards the front was sore a little bit yesterday. I wasn't sure if it was from the rubberbands or the part on the bracket the holds the rubberband on. Maybe a little bit of both. I have eaten with them on, but it is much easier to take them off and eat. Then I put new ones on. My teeth got a little sore Thursday and yesterday but today really aren't. What's sore is my jaw. With the rubberbands on, it forces me to keep my teeth close together, which I am not use to. It's such an odd feeling. I was so excited when the orthodontist said that I may not need to have the T.A.D. screws that I'll wear the rubberbands and do exactly as he says. Maybe I'll even get them off early for good behavior!

Take care and have a great day!

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