Monday, November 7, 2011

11/07/11 Eating Time

I knew that it took me longer to eat than it use to before. However, it was definitely more noticeable at dinner tonight. My husband made a wonderful salad with fish on top of it. Normally I'm done at the same time as my husband with our 13 year old son lagging behind. Tonight, I was the last one done!

My son gave me a hug today when I got home from work. I love his hugs. But, we bumped each other and he hit my mouth. It made the top bleed just a tiny bit and the bottom where the spring is, is really sore now. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be better by tomorrow. I'm taking the day off to go to a knitting class. Hopefully my mouth won't be sore as I'm sure I'll do a lot of talking!!

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