Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/23/11 It Worked

Well, the canker sores are pretty well gone. I don't know if it was the medicine or it was just their time to go. They felt better the night that I had the stuff put on them. But, the next day they were still hurting and I used some of the over the counter medicine that I bought at Walgreen's. Today, they are almost gone. You can barely see them now and they don't hurt. I am really considering calling the dentist to have her get me a vial of it, even with the cost. I still think that if I bought some, that I won't get anymore canker sores. It would be worth it to me.

Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving here. I'm excited. I think we'll have around 25 people here. We're making the turkey and stuffing and everyone will bring something. I think this year it's all family. I better go and get tonight's dinner going. Take care and have a great day!

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